Saturday, 12 August 2017

nstalling and Understanding Mocha in node.js

Mocha is a mature and powerful testing framework for Node.js.

to install mocha:

$ npm install –g mocha@1.16.2

$ mocha [options]

[options] details:

•     -h or --help: print help information for the Mocha command
•     -V or --version: print the version number that’s being used
•     -r or --require <name>: require a module with the name provided
•     -R or --reporter <name>: use a reporter with the name provided
•     -u or --ui <name>: use the stipulated reporting user interface (such as bdd, tdd)
•     -g or --grep <pattern>: run tests exclusively with a matching pattern
•     -i or --invert: invert the --grep match pattern
•     -t or --timeout <ms>: set the test case time out in milliseconds (for example, 5000)
•     -s or --slow <ms>: set the test threshold in milliseconds (for example, 100)
•     -w or --watch: watch test files for changes while hanging on the terminal
•     -c or --colors: enable colors
•     -C or --no-colors: disable colors
•     -G or --growl: enable Mac OS X Growl notifications
•     -d or --debug: enable the Node.js debugger—$ node --debug
•     --debug-brk: enable the Node.js debugger breaking on the first line—$ node --debug-brk
•     -b or --bail: exit after the first test failure
•     -A or --async-only: set all tests in asynchronous mode

•     --recursive: use tests in subfolders
•     --globals <names>: provide comma-delimited global names
•     --check-leaks: check for leaks in global variables
•     --interfaces: print available interfaces
•     --reporters: print available reporters
•     --compilers <ext>:<module>,...: provide compiler to use

Mocha alternaatives:

•     NodeUnit (
•     Jasmine (
•     Vows (

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