Java Algorithms

Java Algorithms

What is an algorithm?

Algorithms often associate with datastructures. An algorithm is a sequence of instructions that accomplishes a task in a finite time period. The algorithm receives zero or more inputs, produces at least one output, consists of clear and unambiguous instructions, terminates after a finite number of steps, and is basic enough that a person can carry out the algorithm using a pencil and paper. In contrast, a program is not necessarily finite: the program, such as a Web server, may never terminate without external intervention. Examples of algorithms associated with datastructures: linear-search, bubble-sort, binary-search, matrix-multiplication, linked-list-concatenation, stack-push-and-pop, and queue-insert-and-delete.

Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to learn data structures and algorithms (introductory)
Anyone appearing for interviews, can be used to understand from grounds up, or as a quick revision

Below Are list of Algorithms:

Search Alogorithms:

1. Linear Search

2. Binary Search

3. JumpSearch

Sort Algorithms:

4. BubbleSort

5. InsertionSort

6. SelectionSort

7. MergeSort

8. Others Coming Soon...

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